We are pleased to provide information and links to resources which will be useful to students enrolled in laboratory components of our courses. Select the relevant link above to access laboratory information for your specific course.

First Year Laboratories
Each first year laboratory is capable of accomodating up to 18 students at one time, each with their own set of apparatus. Apparatus within each laboratory ranges from basic equipment designed to illustrate many of the theoretical concepts introduced in the classroom, to more sophisticated electronic apparatus, including digital pH meters, visible spectrophotometers and modern analytical balances.
Our first year laboratories are also equipped with a MeasureNet® network which allows experimental data to be collected and uploaded either to a PC or the Web. The Multifunctional Chemical Analysis Network (MCAN) processes experimental data produced in the lab and allows students to subsequently access the data from remote locations.
Second Year Laboratories
This laboratory is designed to accomodate varying numbers of students, depending upon the course taken. It is a multi-functional laboratory, capable of conducting operations in organic, physical and inorganic chemistries. This laboratory is capable of providing each student with their own set of apparatus. An adjacent instrument room houses more sophisticated apparatus including gas chromatograph, Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometers, UV/visible scanning spectrophotometers and atomic absorption spectrophotometer. H-NMR and C-NMR prediction software is resident on PCs in selected campus computer labs.