Instructional TutorialInstructional Tutorials

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Laboratory Orientation

The following tutorials can be accessed as a supplement to the print information in your lab manual and lab guide . Capilano U Chemistry Department-produced tutorials are available in 720p HD quality.

Instructional videos relating to specific lab techniques and use of apparatus can be accessed here: Instructional Videos Link

Instructional TutorialUsing Units & Solving Problems (Dimensonal Analysis) (24:20)

This tutorial supplements the information already provided in your lab manual for the Orientation session. Specifically, the method of dimensional analysis is explained, together with a few examples.

Mouse-over video to set HD quality and view in full-screen

Instructional TutorialSignificant Figures (Khan Academy) (5:03)

This Khan Academy video is a good supplement to the comprehensive guidance on significant figures and their use in calculations which is already available in your lab manual and lab guide. More videos on significant figures from Khan Academy can be viewed by clicking on the KHANACADEMY logo immediately below the viewing area.

Mouse-over video to set HD quality and view in full-screen

Click on the KHANACADEMY logo to see more videos on significant figures.