Chem 110 Laboratories                                 Fall  2023

Introductory Lab Information - Adobe pdf right arrow icon

What you need to know before attending your first lab....

Lab Sessions start the week beginning September 11 in room FR308.

The following two clickable icons appear at various places in the lab schedule:

Instructional Video Link Instructional Videos -  specific to laboratory techniques and equipment for selected experiments, showing the methods that students will use when in the laboratory.  Recommended viewing.
Pre/Post-Lab Tutorial Link Online Tutorials - relating to selected study guide problems and treatment of results. Optional viewing. 


Chem 110 Laboratory Schedule  ICONS BELOW ARE LINKS

(Monday - Thursday)
Sept 04 - 08 no chemistry labs this week  
Sept 11 - 14 Exp 0      Lab Orientation Instructional Video LinkPre/Post-Lab Tutorial Link
Sept 18 - 21 Exp 1     Gravimetric Analysis   Instructional Video LinkPre/Post-Lab Tutorial Link
Sept 25 - 28 Exp 2     Emission Spectroscopy Instructional Video Link
Oct 02 Monday group

Oct 03 - 05 (Tue-Thur)
Truth & Reconciliation Day: no lab on Monday

Exp 3
     Absorption Spectroscopy (online for L1)
Instructional Video LinkPre/Post-Lab Tutorial Link
Oct 09 - 12 Thanksgiving: no chemistry labs this week  
Oct 16 - 19 Exp 4      Caffeine Part 1 Extraction Instructional Video Link
Oct 23 - 26 Exp 4      Caffeine Part 2 TLC    Instructional Video Link
Oct 30 - Nov 02 Exp 5      Intermolecular Forces Instructional Video Link
Nov 06 - 09  Exp 6      Geometric Isomers Instructional Video Link
Nov 13 - 16 Remembrance Day: no chemistry labs this week  
Nov 20 - 23 Exp 7      Synthesis of Aspirin Instructional Video Link
Nov 27 - 30 Exp 8      Molecular Models  
Dec 04 - 07 no chemistry labs this week   
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Laboratory Attendance

Attendance at laboratories is mandatory, and missed work will be assigned a zero grade. To pass the laboratory component of this course you must achieve a minimum mark of 50% overall, and you must have attended and completed a required minimum of laboratory work.  A student missing more than 3 lab sessions, for any reason, cannot pass the lab course. 

If you are feeling sick, please stay at home and do not attend the lab session.

If absence from an in-person in-lab session is unavoidable, contact your lab supervisor, preferably before the class, and certainly no more than one day after the missed experiment. Unavoidable absences from the lab (to which there is also a limit) are governed by the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Policy Regarding Missed Examinations and Labs which can be found in your course outline.


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Laboratory Report Deadlines

Most reports will be due at the end of the laboratory session. Information about due times is found in the "Prelab Preparation" section of each experiment in the lab manual. The full report and Spectroscopy will require more time for completion; due dates and times will be confirmed by your instructor at the beginning of the lab session. Always submit your report exactly as your instructor directs. Those reports due at the end of a session should be submitted before you leave the lab. Those reports with extended deadlines should be submitted in the correct drop box in the hallway outside FR308.

Late Laboratory Reports

Penalties will be applied to reports received after the stated deadlines. Late report policies are set by the Department of Chemistry and applied to all laboratory components of chemistry courses at Capilano University. Since the late report policy is set by the Department of Chemistry, your instructor is obligated to apply the penalties as described below

A late report received up to 24 hours after the deadline will be assessed a penalty of 50% of the total possible marks. Late reports must be submitted to one of the chemistry laboratory personnel to be signed and dated. Late reports left in the hallway drop box after the deadline, or left in the wrong drop box, will not be marked.

Reports received more than 24 h after the deadline will not be marked, resulting in 100% loss of total possible marks.

For more complete details on the late report policies, consult your laboratory guide.