Instructional Videos

Laboratory Orientation and Laboratory Safety
(Chem 110 & 154)
The following videos should be viewed before you attend you first laboratory session. All videos are available in full HD quality and can be viewed in full screen.
relating to selected study guide problems and treatment of results
can be accessed here:
How to Prepare for a Laboratory Session
This video provides guidance on how to prepare for a chemistry lab experiment at Capilano University and includes helpful items as the Sample Problem Answer Key and multi-colour highlighting of the Procedure.
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Introduction to the Laboratory
This video briefly covers what you need to know about your chemistry lab, where it is, what it looks like, and includes a tour of the lab showing location of apparatus and equipment. The video also shows you what to bring to your first lab session, and points out sections of your lab manual and lab guide which must be read before attending.
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Safety in the Chemistry Laboratory
In this video, parts of Section 2 (Laboratory Safety) in your laboratory guide are highlighted so that you have a basic awareness of the importance of safe laboratory practices. We take a look at the safety equipment in the lab together with steps which can be taken to reduce the risk of accidents. Various types of safety glasses and goggles are examinied to allow you to make the best choice of eye protection for your lab sessions.
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The Use of Distilled Water in the Chemistry Laboratory
Basic protocols on the use of water in your chemistry laboratories. Why is it important that we use (mostly) distilled water? Where do we obtain distilled water? How do we use it in the lab?
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Laboratory Measurements - Volume
In your first laboratory session, you will learn about the importance of precision in the measurement of volume. You will be introduced to some liquid measuring devices and learn the difference between measuring with high and low precision. Get a head start by viewing this short video which provides a basic practical guide to liquid volume measurement.
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Laboratory Measurements - Mass
Measurement of mass in the laboratory will be mentioned very briefly in the first lab session. So you can leave this video for viewing until later, if you prefer. But you will need to become proficient in analytical weighing at your second laboratory session. This video gives a brief but comprehensive overview on the subject of mass measurment in the lab and will serve as a good preparation for the Gravimetric Analysis experiment.
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Quantitative Transfers (4:55)
- CHEM 110 only
This video gives a brief overview of the importance of quantitative transfers of solids and liquids, a technique you will need to master in the Gravimetric Analysis experiment as well as in future experiments. Note - for this experiment, only the first half of this video is applicable - quantitative transfer of solids.
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